Please see Prestige World’s full terms & conditions here.
Paying for your booking:
A non-refundable deposit of 25% (or higher if flights require payment at point of booking). The balance of the stay will be payable 60 days prior to travel.
All prices are quoted, and payment is taken, in GBP by Prestige World and include tax and service. A government levy of $6 per person per night is excluded and due upon arrival at the hotel. Any extra costs incurred during your stay, must be paid at the hotel when you checkout. Cash, credit or debit cards are welcome in settlement of your hotel account. Cheques are not accepted as payment.
Once the deposit is paid, you will receive a booking form by email for completion to verify your details and agreement with the terms & conditions.
Following completion, you will receive a confirmation document by email with all the details of the booking and, if flights are included, an ATOL 10803 protection certificate.
Deposits are non-refundable and cancellation deadline dates are listed on Prestige World’s terms & conditions page. Within 30 days of travel the package is considered 100% non-refundable. We always advise travel insurance as mandatory to ensure you are covered if circumstances mean you need to cancel.
Force majeure:
After the cancellation horizon has passed, if a Hurricane Warning is issued by the Saint Lucia Meteorological Service, or similar event out of our control, which means you cannot travel from the UK to Saint Lucia for the retreat, the retreat will be cancelled. Deposits already received from guests may be applied to any future bookings. Refunds will not be given but deposits can be used for a future date.